Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekly Words #1

1. shop refund
- I bought some goods a few days ago, but I'm not satisfied with some of them.
Finally I took them to shop, and I said " I want to refund teses items."
so shpper said "shop refund or card refund?"
- "shop refund" means no returning money. just exchaging items.

2. squish
- some mom told her son "don't squish the banana!'
- " squish" means squash, crash, spueeze

3. flat sheet/ fitted sheet
- I found that word in "Marshal"
- a kind of sheet
- fitted sheet has rubber bands to fit a matress

4."Is this receit in your bag?"
- Usually shopper said

5. toll-free
- I found tht in the magazine.
-A toll-free telephone number is one which you can dial without having to pay for the call

6. hiccup
- I found that word my baby's story book.
-When you have hiccups, you make repeated sharp sounds in your throat, often because you have been eating or drinking too quickly.
-A young baby may frequently get a bout of hiccups during or soon after a feed

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