Thursday, November 5, 2009

New of choice#3 the closeted groom

the closeted groom

There are so many qustions.
1.Someone has a friend with sexuality.
2.A man has problem with his girl friend.
3.A mom wonder some manners about birthday party
4.A woman has a problem with her mother- in-law
5.A writer has problem with writer's conscious and morality.
6. A woman is so sad, because of her husband's fatal mistake
7. A woman wants to divorse her husband
8. A woman like a female horndog
9. A woman has some trouble to respond other person.
10. Her boy friend dosen't wans to open his own life
11. A woman's husband has another a woman.

Someone recommand that this article improve my English reading skill.
This is too long for me, but it's not so difficult and not boring.
There are many pepole with some problem and Emily's advice is so wonderful.
I wnat to inform my friend about Emilys advice. Some friend really need that advice.

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