Thursday, November 12, 2009

news of choice #6

Obama departs on eight-day Asia trip

1. summary
President Obama embarked Thursday on his first presidential visit to Asia, an eight-day journey that will take him to five cities in four countries.
Throughout the trip to Japan, Singapore, China and South Korea, Obama will emphasize the importance of Asian nations as vital U.S. partners on major issues such as economic growth, nuclear nonproliferation, the war in Afghanistan and climate change, three officials said in a briefing this week.

2. reaction
A few days ago, there was a battle between North korea navy and south Korea navy in the Korea sea. There was no died man, but north Korea was so upset, blamed to south Korea.
I didnt know about that very well, I just worried about that.
At this moment Obama visits south Korea, it is not good time for Obama and south Korea. Mayby north Korea will use that battle, insist odd claim to south Korea and U.S.A.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, you are right Yousun. Maybe it is a bad time for him to visit S. Korea because N. Korea will think it is bad. I am so curious to learn the history of the North and South. I am happy Obama is visiting many countries in Asia.
