Sunday, November 15, 2009

weekly words#4

1. weird
-in the newspaper.
-The word weird may refer to: "odd, uncanny"

2. don't pick
-in the movie
-Edgar, don't pick your nose, dear.^^

3. get - go
-in the colum
-beginning: the very beginning of something ( informal )
I knew from the get-go this thing wasn't going to work.

4. grounding
- in the novel
- Grounding is a form of punishment given to children or adolescents by their parents, and typically involves being forbidden from leaving the home for social reasons.

5. blip
-in the movie
-A blip in a situation is a sudden but temporary change or interruption in it.
-A blip is a small spot of light, sometimes occurring with a short, high-pitched sound, which flashes on and off regularly on a piece of equipment such as a radar screen.

6. Is this stock yours?
-When I paid at the counter, someome told me pointing my shopping lists.

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