Monday, November 30, 2009

Weekly word #6

1. leek
- in cook book
- Leeks are long thin vegetables which smell similar to onions.
- I like leek!

2. spring chicken
-Chris said " I am a spring chicken."
-If you say that someone is no spring chicken, you are saying that they are not young.

3. mock
-When I looked up "tease" in dictionary, I found "mock"
-If someone mocks you, they show or pretend that they think you are foolish or inferior, for example by saying something funny about you, or by imitating your behaviour

4. sibling
-in gym brochure
-Your siblings are your brothers and sisters

5. sham
-in the story book
- Something that is a sham is not real or is not really what it seems to be.

6. knead
-someone said to me
-When you knead dough or other food, you press and squeeze it with your hands so that it becomes smooth and ready to cook

npr comment

I think that life is so wonderful, and grrowing older si so interesting. Sometimes I am really afraid of my old age, but I as time gose on, I have grown older, and it is so funny to find new aspect to my life. I like my life, I must prepare my future to make it bright.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Weekly words #5

1. long face
-in my baby's book-blue face
-If you have a long face, you look very unhappy or serious.

2. You rub off on me
- in the novel.
-If someone's qualities or habits rub off on you, you develop some of their qualities or habits after spending time with them .

3. implant
-in the ad.
-To implant something into a person's body means to put it there, usually by means of a medical operation.

4. perky
-in the npr's article comment
-If someone is perky, they are cheerful and lively.

5. notion
-in the npr's article
-A notion is an idea or belief about something

6. shed
-in the Chris's class. irregular verb
-When a tree sheds its leaves, its leaves fall off in the autumn. When an animal sheds hair or skin, some of its hairor skin drops off.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

news of choice #8

As You Age, Time Turns Off The Lights

1. summary about article
As times go on, as young men grew older, man think light is getting dimmer. When he was young, he thought that the future was so bright. But when he is older, he though that his present is gotten a lot dimmer.

2. reaction about article
I like this kind of article. Ane after I read it, I searched this article's author, Andrei Codrescu. I'll read his article more.
Anyway, I think that life is so wonderful, and growing older is so interesting. sometimes I am really afraid of my old age. but as times go on, I grew older, and to find my new aspect is so funny.
I like my life. I never let it be left. I must prepare my future to make bright.

3. summary reaction about comments
I like this article but that commets is just so so. Someone recommeded to look up Ecclesiastes 12 and I read it, too! Ecclesiastes 12 is same theme this article.
I can't understand the meanings of other comments exactly.

news of choece #7

Sohn Seok-hee Retires From Debate Program

1. summary
Sohn Seok-hee, one of the most influential TV personalities in the nation will retire on nov. 19.
He has hosted MBC TV's live ``100 Minute Debate'' live program for the last eight years and made the country's most popular debate show.
Sohn, known as a TV and radio host with liberal ideals, has said he is a humanist, not leaning toward conservative or progressive sides.
`100 Minute Debate' has taken root as a program symbolizing the country's debate culture.
Sohn has been picked as the most influential TV figure in various polls.

2. reaction

I think he is only reliable man of famous men.
I am very sorry that he'll resign his job, and I am anxious of any pressure to him.
Anyway, I hope that he'll be a admirable person like now.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

weekly words#4

1. weird
-in the newspaper.
-The word weird may refer to: "odd, uncanny"

2. don't pick
-in the movie
-Edgar, don't pick your nose, dear.^^

3. get - go
-in the colum
-beginning: the very beginning of something ( informal )
I knew from the get-go this thing wasn't going to work.

4. grounding
- in the novel
- Grounding is a form of punishment given to children or adolescents by their parents, and typically involves being forbidden from leaving the home for social reasons.

5. blip
-in the movie
-A blip in a situation is a sudden but temporary change or interruption in it.
-A blip is a small spot of light, sometimes occurring with a short, high-pitched sound, which flashes on and off regularly on a piece of equipment such as a radar screen.

6. Is this stock yours?
-When I paid at the counter, someome told me pointing my shopping lists.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

news of choice #6

Obama departs on eight-day Asia trip

1. summary
President Obama embarked Thursday on his first presidential visit to Asia, an eight-day journey that will take him to five cities in four countries.
Throughout the trip to Japan, Singapore, China and South Korea, Obama will emphasize the importance of Asian nations as vital U.S. partners on major issues such as economic growth, nuclear nonproliferation, the war in Afghanistan and climate change, three officials said in a briefing this week.

2. reaction
A few days ago, there was a battle between North korea navy and south Korea navy in the Korea sea. There was no died man, but north Korea was so upset, blamed to south Korea.
I didnt know about that very well, I just worried about that.
At this moment Obama visits south Korea, it is not good time for Obama and south Korea. Mayby north Korea will use that battle, insist odd claim to south Korea and U.S.A.

News of choice#5
German goalkeeper takes his own life

1, summary
Robert Enke, the Hannover 96 and Germany national team goalkeeper, killed himself by apparently intentionally getting hit by a train on Tuesday. He was 32. Hundreds of supporters mourned in front the stadium in Hannover.
He leaves a widow and a daughter of eight months who they adopted in May three years after their two-year-old daughter died of a heart illness - had been suffering from an intestinal infection.

2. reaction
When I saw the title of this article, I thought just another sucide story. But after I read I was so sad. Why did he do that? How much painful of losing his daughter?
Left his wife and his adopted daughter are so poor, too

Sunday, November 8, 2009

weekly word #3

1. peter
-in the advice colum
-If something peters out, it gradually comes to an end.

2. remiss
-in the advice colum
-If someone is remiss, they are careless about doing things which ought to be done.

-in the daily texan
-The detracteors of a person or thing are people who criticize that person or thing

4. activism
-Activism is the process of campaigning in public or working for an organization in order to bring about political or social change.

-A lawsuit is a case in a court of law which concerns a dispute between two people or organizations

-Jason Derulo - Whatcha say
-What you

Thursday, November 5, 2009

News of choice #4 Korea to Cut Greenhouse Gas by 4% by 2020

Korea to Cut Greenhouse Gas by 4% by 2020

Korea will announce its long-term goal of reducing greenhouse gas.
Committee is seeking to cut the country's combined carbon emissions by 4 percent by 2020 from 2005.

Reducing greenhouse gas is so wonderful.
What Korea take the head the good movement is so proud.
But reducing by 4% is the maximum level to developing country.
So, is there any need to overdo like that in our condition?
Reducing by 4% is so excess in our condition.
Why did Committee decide excessly?

Recently I read a book two times, that title is "Bad samarians"
After I read that book, I was very concerned about the relation developed countries and developing countries. According that book, developed countries insist on developing their own country with right way to developing country.(Of course, to develop their own country with right and fair way is so good, but developed country just didn't develope with right and fair way. After they used unfair way, they insistet on fair way to developed country. It's a "Kicking away the Ladder" theory. After they used a ladder, they kicked the ladder, because of not climbing any other country.)

Anyway, I think I'm a environmentalist just a little.
I concerned about our environment.
I'm so confused between two way.

New of choice#3 the closeted groom

the closeted groom

There are so many qustions.
1.Someone has a friend with sexuality.
2.A man has problem with his girl friend.
3.A mom wonder some manners about birthday party
4.A woman has a problem with her mother- in-law
5.A writer has problem with writer's conscious and morality.
6. A woman is so sad, because of her husband's fatal mistake
7. A woman wants to divorse her husband
8. A woman like a female horndog
9. A woman has some trouble to respond other person.
10. Her boy friend dosen't wans to open his own life
11. A woman's husband has another a woman.

Someone recommand that this article improve my English reading skill.
This is too long for me, but it's not so difficult and not boring.
There are many pepole with some problem and Emily's advice is so wonderful.
I wnat to inform my friend about Emilys advice. Some friend really need that advice.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Weekly words #2

1. nasal spray
-H1F1 Swine Flu Vaccine FAQ
-Nasal sprays are used in someone's nose to recover some desease.

2. a stool softener pill
- I bought that pill yesterday.
- someone didn't get any poo-poo for a long time, that man must get that pill.

3. enema
- a phamacist told me.
- If someone has an enema, a liquid is put into their bottom in order to make them empty their bowels, for example before they have an operation.

4. vicar
- When I was reading novel
-A vicar is an Anglican priest who is in charge of a church and the area it is in, which is called a parish

5. scalding
- When I was reading a fairy tale to my daughter
- hot liquids are extremely hot.

6. enchant
- When I was reading a fairy tale to my daughter
- If you are enchanted by someone or something, they cause you to have feelings of great delight or pleasure.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

News of choice #2 A H1N1 flu to-do (and don't do) list

Now, it is so cool and some cold in Korea. So there are so many patients with h1f1. Till now, dead men are aapproximately 34, and many chldren are sick with h1f1, so many school are closed temporary. I'm so afraid of my babies' healthy, and I do want know U.S.A'policy with H1F1. and so I seached it. I found a few articles, there are so bad news. I'm disappointed.
Anyway, I want my babies to be healty, I'll be more careful. I must look up local flu outbreaks, call a hospital when they give a shot, must keep our babies' hand clean.

H1N1 flu to-do (and don't do) list
1. Look up local flu outbreaks.
If you're getting most of your news from the Internet -- and about 40 percent of people say they do -- you may not be up on H1N1 activity in your community.
2. Don't panic.
For most people, an H1N1 infection is generally mild and can be cured with time, bed rest, and fluids. The virus is serious, though -- particularly for those in high-risk groups.
3. Stay home.
Are you sick right now? Say, with flu-like symptoms such as fever, aches, stuffy nose, and chills? Sorry, but it's quite possible you already have swine flu. Experts say that flu activity is higher-than-normal for this time of year and almost all of it is due to H1N1. If you (or your child) are not in a high-risk group, it's best to stay put.
4. Understand the risks.
While the symptoms of H1N1 may be no different from seasonal flu, there are some key differences. H1N1 may be easier to catch than regular flu, and younger people may be more likely to come down with it than older people.
5. Get a pneumonia vaccine.
the pneumonia vaccine, a shot that can help prevent any illness caused by certain types of pneumococcus bacteria, including meningitis and ear infections, may be a good idea too.
6. Wash your hands.
7. Don't stock up on face masks or Tamiflu
8. Get a swine flu vaccine -- really.
If you or your child is perfectly healthy, you can get the nose-spray version, which contains a weakened, but not killed, virus. Unfortunately, if you're in a high-risk group, you may have to wait a bit for the version with killed virus, which is given in shot form. Those should be available in mid- to late-October
9. Be prepared
"Get immunized, wash your hands, cover your mouth and nose if you're sneezing or coughing, stay home if you're sick, and if any warning signs come up -- difficulty breathing, not responsive as usual, unable to take fluids, or after a day or two of the fever coming down and having more fever and cough again -- see the doctor," says Litman.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekly Words #1

1. shop refund
- I bought some goods a few days ago, but I'm not satisfied with some of them.
Finally I took them to shop, and I said " I want to refund teses items."
so shpper said "shop refund or card refund?"
- "shop refund" means no returning money. just exchaging items.

2. squish
- some mom told her son "don't squish the banana!'
- " squish" means squash, crash, spueeze

3. flat sheet/ fitted sheet
- I found that word in "Marshal"
- a kind of sheet
- fitted sheet has rubber bands to fit a matress

4."Is this receit in your bag?"
- Usually shopper said

5. toll-free
- I found tht in the magazine.
-A toll-free telephone number is one which you can dial without having to pay for the call

6. hiccup
- I found that word my baby's story book.
-When you have hiccups, you make repeated sharp sounds in your throat, often because you have been eating or drinking too quickly.
-A young baby may frequently get a bout of hiccups during or soon after a feed

Thursday, October 22, 2009

News of choice #1 Why do we demand only idol star to have patiotism?

A month ago, I heard strange news that a idol star was blame for his private, and critical word of korean. When he said critical word, he was so young.
But a month ago his fault was reaveled, every korean foud that, he was blamed, finally he must retire his job.
At that time I was very busy because I prepared to move to U.S.A. I just herad that news, and I thought it's not fair and really funny and sad. Of course he made a mistake. Bur why do we demand only idol star to have patriotism? Usually we must demand politician to have more powerful patriotism. But we easily forgive politician's fault and want to believe them. I'm so mad and sad. As Jae-bum, so many politician must retire. And we must do only right.

Today I looked in korean news on internet, I found his theseday life.
I don't want to see another Jae-bum. I want Korean to be fair.


A new television program of KBS-2TV "Toward the Sunday Night," will feature Jae-beom, who withdrew from the top boy band 2PM due to his critical remarks about Korea.

Producers of the program said on Thursday, "One month after this promising idol star left Korea, we met him in Seattle for the first time."

"Though we met him in person and requested an interview, Jae-beom refused, saying he could not give any comment at the present moment. Instead, we could cover how he was getting along in the United States. He showed up at a B-boy competition and talked to his friends." they added.

The TV show will cover both current issues and social phenomena in fresh perspective.

"Toward the Sunday Night" will make its debut at 11:35 p.m. on Oct. 25.

Jae-beom left the seven-member boy band 2PM due to controversy surrounding critical remarks against Korea.

His criticism -- which was posted in English four years ago on his personal MySpace account -- was revealed and spread on the internet last month, arousing huge controversy in the nation.

Jae-beom, who was leader of the boy band, announced that he would quit 2PM, and left Korea on Sept. 8 for Seattle, where his family is residing

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

dirt! Why did he do that?

Maximus let dirt fall through his finger.
Why did he do that?

I think that action is very important symbol.
Maximus' soldier were just farmer before war. Of course so was he.
Every farmer loves dirt, and they know what dirt mean.
Dirt is origin of life, for farmers dirt is his wealth.

That action also means to return home after victory of this war.

So Maximus did that.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Introducing myself

Hello, I'm YouSun from Seoul, Korea.
I'm a special education teacher.
I am satisfied with my job.

I have two daughters who are so cute and tomboy.
I like to play with my daughters.

I like to travel all around world, I hope to go to Brazil and Argentina for I'm here.
Because Brazil and Argentina are so far from Korea.